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Les 1000 premières entreprises au Maroc par ordre alphabétique (Page 3/19) - (1829 Entreprises)

Raison Sociale
(Chiffres en rouge 2021)
Chiffre d'affaires
2021 (Dhs)
Variation CA
Resultat d'exploitation
2021 (Dhs)
Variation RE
Stock 2021 Variation Stock
Charges personnel 2021 Variation Charges
Bourse ISO
Raison Sociale
(Chiffres en noire 2022)
Chiffre d'affaires
2022 (Dhs)
Variation CA
Resultat d'exploitation
2022 (Dhs)
Variation RE
Stock 2022 Variation Stock
Charges personnel 2022 Variation Charges 2022
Bourse ISO
201 Atos Origin 509 441 977 +0.74% 77 914 466 +12.70% infos +
202 Attaghlif 208 641 150 +24.70% 40 934 903 +35.47% 35 456 003 +32.76% 11 807 930 +16.70% infos +
203 Attamlik Invest 117 301 573 -37.70% 27 271 411 +13.16% 335 357 601 -11.08% 755 291 -21.28%
204 Attijari It Africa 128 429 365 +8.49% 15 698 701 +47.74% 24 752 745 +46.29%
205 Attijari Payment Processing 106 819 797 23 203 560 28 732 800
206 Attijariwafa bank 13 475 010 000 +3.10% 5 966 731 000 +5.69% 2 352 366 000 +3.49% infos +
207 A.u.d.a. 651 414 011 +2.18% 218 333 283 -22.48% 4 546 632 529 -4.53% 34 036 607 +2.01% infos +
208 Auget Immo 108 219 687 11 719 053 77 585 453 266 665
209 Auto Abda 244 049 712 -3.67% 7 217 397 +23.53% 5 587 884 +4.45%
210 Auto Hall 3 536 843 654 -7.94% 115 818 388 -29.37% 141 114 505 +78.53% 196 855 954 +2.44% infos +
211 Auto Hall Occasion 273 231 205 +94.35% -5 785 566 -4173.94% 80 151 115 +62.16% 2 644 402 -35.52%
212 Auto hall vehicules industriels - Ahvi 512 370 613 +21.14% 14 254 852 +68.48% 202 490 715 +38.00% 12 250 813 -12.99% infos +
213 Auto meski 344 714 139 -4.74% 10 773 282 +11.80% 83 838 136 +80.07% 9 687 619 +1.33% infos +
214 Auto-Nejma 2 100 779 386 -9.40% 286 714 254 +27.51% 550 882 221 +42.54% 125 029 660 -2.57% infos +
215 Auto privilege 139 377 955 -8.41% 2 764 627 -13.62% 43 866 810 +78.36% 2 342 161 +5.87% infos +
216 Autobus urbains de Tanger 151 631 616 -10.66% 2 866 198 -63.99% 1 717 009 -23.74%
217 Autohaus Mbh 103 426 986 +3.10% -4 364 -99.84% 1 203 927 +29.46%
218 Avant Scène (nouvelle sté) 231 105 580 +75.71% 21 221 615 +21.06% 3 813 526 -64.99% 18 221 168 +19.16% infos +
219 Avanzit technologie maroc 101 479 359 11 929 372 31 780 883 infos +
220 Awsm 947 066 894 +4.61% 25 245 258 -99.70% 160 023 668 +13.20% 225 362 379 -14.64% infos +
Raison Sociale
(Chiffres en rouge 2021)
Chiffre d'affaires
2021 (Dhs)
Variation CA
Resultat d'exploitation
2021 (Dhs)
Variation RE
Stock 2021 Variation Stock
Charges personnel 2021 Variation Charges
Bourse ISO
Raison Sociale
(Chiffres en noire 2022)
Chiffre d'affaires
2022 (Dhs)
Resultat d'exploitation
2022 (Dhs)
Stock 2022 Variation Stock
Charges personnel 2022 Variation Charges
Bourse ISO
221 Axalta coating systems 141 943 084 706 364 33 000 311 7 799 424 infos +
222 Axial Facilities 126 031 821 -11.92% 12 065 603 -6.56% 394 863 +637.88% 57 274 810 -29.57% infos +
223 Azali Jet 104 500 000 1 012 825 10 891 878
224 Azelis Morocco 252 731 754 -4.57% 12 850 625 -16.34% 43 175 917 +20.76% 20 249 681 -5.87% infos +
225 Azima 141 384 310 2 157 965 1 631 559 561 410
226 Azzurro - Groupe Aksal 497 828 493 +24.43% -4 438 759 -64.81% 55 577 769 -2.46% 34 884 623 +102.56%
227 B2S Maroc 311 469 608 +3.75% 26 098 093 -7.03% 229 051 455 +4.01% infos +
228 B.a. confecciones 128 945 313 +12.22% 4 863 947 +27.24% 8 010 615 -69.24% 32 076 236 -4.35% infos +
229 Baby food maghreb 518 322 757 +8.78% 2 198 695 +138.62% 164 539 158 +47.52% 20 023 235 -3.75% infos +
230 Baco Propreté 239 522 266 +4.44% 11 775 958 +8.62% 3 807 076 +26.46% 188 747 444 +4.39% infos +
231 Bag filter 129 064 057 +22.60% 9 972 024 +56.15% 61 489 807 -2.89% infos +
232 Bait El Hanaa 104 658 548 44 153 978 61 284 623 86 227
233 Balamo 163 047 400 80 189 528 127 257 977 1 015 506
234 Banawi evergreen packaging africa 322 387 997 +3.34% 70 689 569 +27.63% 23 085 976 -17.67% 7 672 222 -16.95% infos +
235 Banchereau Maroc 202 745 249 +33.73% 689 660 -90.36% 42 764 894 -1.66% 23 130 581 +17.34% infos +
236 Bankai 170 468 449 +4.08% 2 927 786 +21.18% 5 534 107 -29.87%
237 Banque centrale Populaire (B.C.P.) 13 924 993 000 +17.42% 2 563 447 000 +10.78% 1 143 940 000 +3.38% infos +
238 Barakat Dubai 156 489 830 -35.28% 3 212 770 -11.65% 536 652 +17.69%
239 Barid Al Maghrib 752 034 739 -146 726 359 23 125 870 598 020 675 infos +
240 Basf Maroc 407 592 610 +9.81% 22 325 235 -28.31% 71 650 383 +46.75% 64 075 047 +5.54% infos +
Raison Sociale
(Chiffres en rouge 2021)
Chiffre d'affaires
2021 (Dhs)
Variation CA
Resultat d'exploitation
2021 (Dhs)
Variation RE
Stock 2021 Variation Stock
Charges personnel 2021 Variation Charges
Bourse ISO
Raison Sociale
(Chiffres en noire 2022)
Chiffre d'affaires
2022 (Dhs)
Resultat d'exploitation
2022 (Dhs)
Stock 2022 Variation Stock
Charges personnel 2022 Variation Charges
Bourse ISO
241 Batifer 429 682 766 22 805 603 96 850 000 14 100 175 infos +
242 Batiprom 170 619 712 +11.75% 1 347 851 +22.01% 1 540 328 -26.58%
243 Bayt Al Hamd 118 455 700 19 048 668 637 857 562 2 421 951
244 Bayt Al Kheir 118 222 614 2 334 690 30 128 390 557 354
245 Bd Morocco 219 254 213 +50.58% 4 386 918 +252.21% 108 498 069 +146.06% 19 585 637 +39.90%
246 Bd Trading 124 614 863 -1 626 953 23 908 247 425 985
247 Bdp International Maroc 110 310 088 +8.16% 2 210 362 +445.03% 7 118 626 +20.00%
248 Be Up 203 940 832 +33.85% 8 937 942 +49.03% 4 819 794 412 623 +0.85%
249 Beaux Frigo 117 110 702 2 859 218 21 208 868 708 814
250 Bentanegi Construction Moderne Becom 115 840 098 2 967 097 7 899 622 1 074 493
251 Beiersdorf 298 765 620 +6.79% 52 476 195 +20.10% 42 789 598 +103.93% 28 282 917 +16.60% infos +
252 Bejoma 273 837 422 +11.48% 5 975 098 -7.12% 3 041 380 +2.01%
253 Bel Fish 137 766 435 +3.93% 9 763 741 +78.63% 8 082 653 +17.66% 5 212 688 +6.64% infos +
254 Bella tawziaa 774 052 771 +3.18% 110 251 271 +19.51% 253 787 302 +56.17% 33 226 560 -21.55%
255 Belma 344 417 208 -10.65% -1 414 226 -110.75% 108 284 692 +42.50% 59 146 181 +3.28% infos +
256 Belmekki entreprise 113 912 350 -52.12% 2 551 625 -76.75% 131 896 771 -4.47% 22 353 232 -34.17% infos +
257 Belrab 115 410 948 +1.85% 22 677 514 +36.94% 1 597 885 -55.15%
258 Ben Rabia Grains et fils 135 013 349 +16.92% 3 999 394 -9.13% 40 034 100 +68.78% 1 928 246 -5.64% infos +
259 Benaboud alimentation 151 490 517 +25.57% -1 260 920 -448.99% 28 199 110 -8.56% 2 749 162 +5.03% infos +
260 Benchaïb 120 086 655 -3.95% 8 905 135 -3.99% 122 111 804 +17.19% 2 178 078 -7.75% infos +
Raison Sociale
(Chiffres en rouge 2021)
Chiffre d'affaires
2021 (Dhs)
Variation CA
Resultat d'exploitation
2021 (Dhs)
Variation RE
Stock 2021 Variation Stock
Charges personnel 2021 Variation Charges
Bourse ISO
Raison Sociale
(Chiffres en noire 2022)
Chiffre d'affaires
2022 (Dhs)
Resultat d'exploitation
2022 (Dhs)
Stock 2022 Variation Stock
Charges personnel 2022 Variation Charges
Bourse ISO
261 Benlafkih et fils 276 969 300 +21.96% 11 734 870 +96.72% 162 397 592 -0.39% 1 405 898 +99.70% infos +
262 Benlarbi fer 520 140 541 +44.34% 10 660 186 +57.12% 8 884 648 +19.59% 913 969 +26.78% infos +
263 Benlhou frères 601 669 319 +5.91% 16 724 757 -16.27% 160 174 071 +2.34% 4 346 516 -93.98% infos +
264 Benway 498 017 103 +54.95% 10 455 035 +38.09% 40 799 803 +157.77% 4 936 888 +7.29%
265 Bérenger 156 632 638 +18.47% 3 665 320 -41.39% 41 489 342 +50.18% 5 479 991 +8.52% infos +
266 Bericolor 173 681 794 +44.23% 790 740 +107.76% 83 895 523 +4.23% 20 661 546 +18.02% infos +
267 Berkane Packaging 119 168 282 -55.84% -90 327 910 -861.65% 6 611 801 -16.00% 14 353 403 -32.83%
268 Berkane-s-board 101 551 824 +0.96% 2 397 001 +135.81% 300 000 2 075 212 +79.05%
269 Besix Tgcc 856 962 647 +125.61% 93 577 765 +150.78% 329 041 962 +4.83% 29 241 098 +4.74%
270 Best intérim 356 802 115 +30.46% 13 754 430 +34.26% 10 892 532 +22.69% infos +
271 Best Invest 130 965 730 5 491 810 695 696 infos +
272 Best milk 692 907 530 +43.48% -52 584 858 -655.50% 18 369 306 +63.13% 39 044 178 +6.16% infos +
273 Bestmark group 545 623 683 -6.00% 6 613 342 -22.93% 41 946 950 +60.01% 19 528 850 +0.44% infos +
274 Beton Arme Fer 104 089 662 4 155 766 12 466 624 2 699 803
275 Béton chantier 310 751 615 -8.44% 7 240 071 -25.86% 5 431 569 +11.46% infos +
276 Béton Zalagh 136 583 839 +10.15% 396 282 -82.91% 2 316 751 -25.06% 6 649 935 +10.31% infos +
277 Betonov 169 543 952 +21.23% 5 235 302 +30.26% 4 497 173 +22.87% 5 563 824 +1.03%
278 Big Distribution 135 003 365 -22.70% 5 580 207 -74.40% 83 116 378 +4.85% 21 533 863 +2.37% infos +
279 Bim stores 4 119 170 624 +6.59% 40 162 569 -66.75% 597 286 434 -3.49% 240 119 913 +6.14% infos +
280 Biougnach équipements - Biequip 354 835 845 +14.55% 6 633 787 -3.16% 74 456 314 -9.59% 15 842 698 +14.06% infos +
Raison Sociale
(Chiffres en rouge 2021)
Chiffre d'affaires
2021 (Dhs)
Variation CA
Resultat d'exploitation
2021 (Dhs)
Variation RE
Stock 2021 Variation Stock
Charges personnel 2021 Variation Charges
Bourse ISO
Raison Sociale
(Chiffres en noire 2022)
Chiffre d'affaires
2022 (Dhs)
Resultat d'exploitation
2022 (Dhs)
Stock 2022 Variation Stock
Charges personnel 2022 Variation Charges
Bourse ISO
281 Bioui travaux 826 188 178 +20.58% 38 267 299 +55.10% 307 316 675 +38.98% 74 099 794 +28.77% infos +
282 Biscarose 152 398 691 +42.26% 4 778 349 -9.14% 11 092 376 -70.85% 6 561 402 +6.12% infos +
283 Biscuiterie Moderne Zine 124 588 045 5 771 591 48 129 758 17 061 272 infos +
284 Bitulife 229 933 959 -0.53% 42 636 051 -27.12% 53 816 882 +90.66% 18 295 816 +12.19% infos +
285 Bled conserves 185 774 311 11 455 107 55 091 381 4 360 084 infos +
286 Blue farm 230 384 722 -34.11% 44 836 709 +142.55% 4 357 475 -19.63%
287 Blue Industry 266 390 385 -16.92% 28 540 368 -58.12% 8 803 606 +5.42%
288 Bank of Africa 6 630 366 000 -4.01% 1 931 995 000 -3.90% 1 736 291 000 +3.75% infos +
289 Bmce Capital 136 114 885 -0.08% -20 424 192 -35.31% 266 706 -80.53% 76 670 768 -15.32% infos +
290 Bmce Capital Gestion 155 043 601 88 228 404 23 260 046
291 Bmci 2 934 655 000 +1.52% 443 488 000 -44.39% 859 714 000 -2.86% infos +
292 Bnp Paribas Méditerranée 101 030 705 -12.24% 6 212 970 -33.02% 71 956 429 -7.50%
293 Bodor mills 971 562 480 +34.11% 15 636 047 -4.06% 269 385 395 +21.50% 7 765 783 +2.42% infos +
294 Bolding Distribution 156 555 730 2 965 088 400 465
295 Bolloré transport logistique 368 733 254 +37.17% 8 611 502 +18.75% 27 314 442 +6.78% infos +
296 Bombardier Aérospace 240 719 003 +91.29% 25 466 855 +143.66% 104 803 974 +59.01% 64 674 082 +1.66% infos +
297 Bontaz centre maroc 1 144 636 388 -6.14% 66 628 550 +29.75% 311 351 346 +5.14% infos +
298 Laboratoires Bottu 1 374 640 459 +7.69% 447 166 005 +1.59% 429 085 119 +11.63% 227 757 066 +3.62% infos +
299 Bouarga entreprise - Sbtr 146 954 439 +0.15% 4 154 577 +2.03% 88 034 560 +39.51% 17 890 236 -1.70% infos +
300 Bouderka 326 327 744 -8.85% 6 525 561 +76.93% 41 491 017 +9.09% 8 969 568 -12.70%

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